Effects of Cell Phones

 Glass covered the newly paved road, and all he could remember was trying to pull himself out of his brand new Chevy truck with his Iphone 6 in the palm of his hand. He stared down at his cell phone realizing that he could have just killed himself,all because he heard the “Ding!” of his phone and quickly reached for it. Texting has become one of the world’s largest death-causing accidents. Cell phones have affected people’s lives positively for long distance relationships,but negatively for car accidents.

 Cell phones can be positive for when someone has family or friends that live far away.For example, my best friend,Dana, lives in Arkansas, and since she lives so far away,I don’t get to see her every weekend. However, since I have a cell phone,I’m able to dial up her number anytime and have a long conversation with her being 1,000 miles away.Just like my friend in Arkansas, people have family all over the world and not everyone is within driving distance.Another positive thing about cell phones is that when you have an emergency, you can quickly dial 9-1-1 and get help fast.The other day, my grandpa was having a bad allergic reaction to some medicine that he took, and he couldn’t drive himself to the hospital, so he got out his phone and called for an ambulance.

 Negatively, cell phones have increased the number of car accidents in just a year.While driving in the car, people often hear their phones go off, and their first instinct is to quickly snatch it up and read their new message, or try out their new app. Suddenly, they find themselves injured, or almost killing themselves.Some people do die from car accidents.About a year ago, a family friend of ours was driving home from the store , and he checked his phone, within an instance, he had crashed into an oak tree, and it killed him. Another negative flaw about cell phones is that it’s a big distraction during school.Looking around, all I can see is people on their cell phones during class, not paying one bit of attention to the teacher. That might be the reason that students don’t pass tests.

Cell phones have become one of the world’s largest distractions in the past year or two.Cell phones affect people’s lives every day, whether it’s positive or negative. Maybe one day , cell phone usage will decrease in school,or around the world.